I’m Sorry Ginny Baker

Dear Ginny,

I’m sorry that no matter how hard I, and so many other of your fans tried, we couldn’t get more people to open their eyes to this wonderful story unfolding on our television screens.

I’m sorry that cookie cutter cop dramas, and half assed comedies overshadowed your existence and I’m even sorrier that there’s probably nothing I can do to stop this trend from continuing.

I’m sorry that we won’t be able to see where you end up, to continue to cry with you, to cheer for you, and aspire to be like you.

I’m sorry that future generations of girls probably won’t know you even existed since Pitch will just get relegated to the vaults of television past.

I’m sorry we lost a great, inspirational and well written character today.

I’m sorry that the world took you for granted.

I’m sorry.


The Baker Nation